
What is postmenopause?

The term "postmenopause" refers to the time after a woman has experienced 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. This marks the end of a woman's reproductive years.

On average, women reach postmenopause around the age of 51. However, it can occur earlier or later, between the ages of 45-55. The phase leading up to postmenopause is called "perimenopause," which can last up to 10 years as the ovaries gradually reduce estrogen production.

Some key signs that a woman has reached postmenopause include:

The reduction of estrogen during postmenopause causes these symptoms. Estrogen plays an important regulatory role across the female body. Without this hormone, many systems are thrown out of balance.

The good news is that there are ways to manage postmenopause symptoms! Consider speaking to your doctor about hormone therapy options or visiting a menopause specialist clinic like Equilibrium Hormone Institute. Their compassionate staff can assess your symptoms and create a customized hormone balancing treatment plan to help you feel like yourself again. Equilibrium Hormone Institute also offers online consultations and free informational webinars about navigating menopause.

Why does postmenopause occur?

Postmenopause occurs because the ovaries stop producing reproductive hormones, primarily estrogen. This happens because women are born with all the egg follicles they will ever have.

"By the time a girl reaches puberty, only about 300,000 follicles remain. By the time she reaches menopause, fewer than 1,000 follicles will remain." (/health/menopause/postmenopause)

As we age, these follicles decline in number and quality, leading to reduced estrogen and progesterone output by the ovaries. Lower hormone levels causes periods to become irregular during perimenopause. Eventually periods stop completely for 12 months, marking postmenopause.

What health changes occur?

In addition to bothersome menopausal symptoms, the hormone changes of postmenopause come with some risks to be aware of:

What treatment options help manage postmenopause?

The good news is that women have many options to help them manage postmenopause smoothly:

Ultimately there is no "one size fits all" approach to managing postmenopause. Every woman's experience is unique. Consider scheduling a free phone consultation with the compassionate doctors at Equilibrium Hormone Institute to explore your custom treatment options around hormones, nutrition, exercise and self-care. They can support you through this transition to help you keep living life to the fullest!

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